CARMEL, Ind. (WISH) – Family and friends are trying to come to grips with the sudden loss of a woman killed in what’s being called a possible murder-suicide.

Forty-year-old Shannon Hall was found shot to death in her parents home in the 4600 block of Somerset Way South Sunday evening.

Police say her ex-husband, David Hall, killed her before turning the gun on himself.

When asked what type of mother Shannon Hall was, her sister Colleen O’Malia Stine quickly replied, “Oh God the best mother, the best mother. I looked up to her so much and I modeled being a mother after her,” she said.

And much of Hall’s motherly traits were nurtured at St. Louis de Montfort Catholic School, where she spent 12 years teaching the second grade.

Hall’s older sister, Janet Andriole, also taught at the school. She said her office was across from Hall’s classroom.

“Shannon loved every kid and it didn’t matter of they were frustrating or struggled with learning, she loved them for who they were,” Andriole said.

But the two kids who had her heart most were her sons that she shared with her ex-husband David Hall. The couple got divorced earlier this month, but Stine said they had been separated for several months.

“I thought he might, might hurt himself but I didn’t think that he would do this to his boys,” Stine said.

When asked if she had any concern over the recent relationship between Hall and her ex-husband, Andriole replied, “Maybe you know, over time, but not anything glaring that would have constituted us to take action.”

Stine said David was coming by to pick up their two sons Sunday night at Hall’s parent’s home. Stine mentioned she exchanged text messages with her sister a few hours before that was to happen, saying that Hall was stressed out about David.

“She could have said so many mean things (about David). The boys were asking questions and she just so ‘sugar coated’ everything and made him seem like a good person still and just didn’t want them to ever think that she felt a certain way,” said Stine.

“The death, it’s so out of order,” said John Kiefer, pastor at St. Louis de Montfort Catholic Church. “It’s not the way things are supposed to be.”

Kiefer said tragic stories like the one surrounding Hall’s family can be difficult to comprehend. It’s why he hopes people focus on the good memories Hall made in her classroom, but more importantly at home.

“She was the best mom, the best sister, the best friend, the best teacher, the best aunt,” said Stine. “She just really, she shined really bright in everything she did and I’m so proud to be her sister.”

Despite the sadness surrounding the story, Hall’s family did receive some good news on Monday. Hall and her sisters all attended Cathedral High School in Indianapolis. Stine told 24-Hour News 8 that when Hall’s two sons are old enough to attend, CHS plans on paying for their tuition.

She also told 24-Hour News 8 that CHS is setting up fund in the name of the two boys, that way people can make donations to help pay for their education before and after high school.