How do I protect my self from online scams and frauds? How do i know of it is really the company that they say they are?
1. Did you call them or did they call you?
2. Was the number you called one that was given to you in an email or voicemail? or did you find it on a statement, or other printed mail that contained your specific account indicated.(more than just junk mail from them). Anyone can send junk mail and make it look like a fraud alert.
3. Did you research or get the number from the companies actual website?
4. Is the deal too good to be true?
5. Are they asking you unusual questions or wanting you to do unusual steps to “verify” your account?
6. Do not deal with the issue by email. DO NOT SEND personal or sensitive info by email.

When dealing with a bank issues, just call your local bank office or go in. While its convenient to do it over the phone, Easy is not always better.
When in doubt don’t, do NOT be afraid to phone a friend and get their opinion/