Project Description

Each year, employers and you the tax payers, lose significant amounts of money paying out fraudulent workers compensation claims. False claims can do more than just cost your business and insurers money; they can also create a culture of dishonesty and suspicion in the workplace. If you have reason to believe that a workers comp claim filed against your company may be fraudulent, come to Michael Budenz and Associates.

As a private investigation service, we have the tools to uncover the truth so that you can protect yourself financially. We are here to help, we understand that fraudulent workers comp claims are a sensitive matter. That’s why we hold ourselves to the highest standards in all that we do. When you work with us, we’ll conduct our investigation using the utmost discretion, all the while digging deeply to get you the answers you need. Investigations of the accident and then surveillance can put a end to the fraud of your case.

A Workers compensation claim that is faked and goes through the system affects you because then that person will try to add to the fraud by taking it to the state and federal government Social security Administration and turning it into full disability claim with the state and you now pay for them through tax dollars.  This is abuse of a system that is truly intended for people that are really disabled.