Project Description


Budenz Investigations can fully investigate a work place accident scene.  This can be a slip & fall from a customer, or an injured employee?  Don’t wait for a potential lawsuit from a customer or employee to take action on investigating and documenting.  Don’t wait for the insurance company to send someone out.  If you feel the incident is going to cause an issue later, do the investigation and documentation immediately. Our private investigators will travel to your site from Indianapolis or Ft. Wayne and document the scene and interview all parties.  Doing this immediately reduces the chance for memory loss, confusion or worse fabrication.  By showing all parties you are taking the claim serious can deter those who think a fraudulent claim will be an easy payout.  Most CCTV systems have extremely limited memory space available.  As we are hired by insurance carriers to do these investigations 20-30 days, or more, after the incident, we find that cameras were in place in the proper location and yet nothing is available since the system has overwritten the video evidence file.

A bit of free advice…TURN OFF YOUR CCTV system if an incident occurs (prevent over writing of evidence), at least until video evidence can be recovered.  But, don’t delay in taking action, this opens you up to a time period that you have no recorded video footage.  Call us immediately to assist!