Project Description
Are you suing someone or being sued for something?
We provide support to your legal team to allow them to focus on court and utilize our intelligence and fact finding reports to best serve your needs. We are your private police detective working for your attorney just like the police are working for the prosecutor. It may be as simple as locating a witness, or getting legal papers delivered to someone who is just impossible to locate. Sometimes just the fact that you found them, can swing them into a settlement.
Are you suing someone as the victim of a crime? The police are not there to investigate your civil case, their role is to determine if a criminal act has occurred and give the prosecutor evidence of that crime for prosecution. You need to investigate the crime on your own for a civil case to prove your case. We can do that for you.
Are you seeking compensation for a client or trying to disprove an injury claim? Be the first to call and get our private investigators on your case for a full scene investigations, interviews, and area canvas to determine and document that facts in the case. Know who your dealing with and what their history is. We can discretely gather evidence to assist in the Tort claim. with either side of the claim, there is due diligence required. The turning point in your case or settlement could be the evidence or facts that we uncover during an investigation. Why risk not using every tool available to you.