You hope to get help with your cell phone by getting on the internet and searching for a tech support contact number for your cell phone carrier.

Except you unknowing have contacted a hacker directly. You call the listed number online, They will put you on hold and make you wait just like a real carrier would.  Then connect to a “technician” who will ask about the problems you are having.  That Tech will ask you to turn on your PC and connect your phone to PC so they can access the Phone’s system. They then start asking for your usernames and passwords to the phone. Victims feel safe because THEY CALLED the number ( Like we have mentioned before, which is normally a safe procedure), but its NOT REALLY YOUR PHONE CARRIER you called.

First Issue to address, Smart phones are micro computers.

WHY would they need access to your PC?

Your phone already has internet connectivity, and if they could “FIX” the problem, they would be connecting directly to the phone.  They will then have you log into a program to “share” screens so they can fix your connected phone. You will then see the entire contents of your hard drive being copied remotely. You are locked out of you own computer because you had accepted the connection on that screen share program!


If you have to go unplug your router’s power cord but KILL the connection. Do not turn your PC back on till you have taken it to a computer technician and completely explain what has happened.

Once they have your data, identity theft is easy, but the second angle to hold that data hostage and contact you back to sell you the files back.

How many people have a document that contains a list of all their accounts and passwords? I am willing to bet a large portion of the readers have this. And now so does the hacker. That you gave access to.
Bottom Line, go to you phone carriers store front to get tech problem fixed.